Democratic Presidential Candidates offer more options


Story by Dana Beattie, Reporter

For over a decade, America has been in a state of political division within our government and system of beliefs. Amid a time of turmoil and chaos, new voters may find this to be confusing. Which in effect, has young adults tuning out of politics and snuffing out any beginning for change. 

In the year 2019, an outstanding 17 candidates filed for the 2020 Presidential Election. Out of these 17, there are 13 Democrats running for President. Within the 13, there are seven qualified for debates. The top three candidates of the Democratic party are former Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Jr., Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, and Maine Senator Elizabeth Warren. 

Biden is a 77-year old Caucasian male, a former Senator and former Vice President of the United States. His campaign is centered around equality and holds the highest national polling average of the democratic nominees at 27 percent. Individual contributions fall at $37.6 million. According to, he promises to invest in the middle class because he knows how hard it is for the working people of America. Biden advocates for the New Green Deal, his goal being to reach a net-zero emissions at the latest in 2050. He focuses on bipartisanship, meaning that he would invoke the two political parties to find a state of compromisation.

Bernie Sanders is 78-years old and holds second place in the Democratic Race at 19 percent. Individual contributions fall at $61. 5 million. Although his website, is more structured and clean than Biden’s, the common factor is that within Sander’s plans to tackle fundamental issues, he does not match Biden’s campaign with explanation. Bernie advocates for free education and health care for all, as well as racial justice and gun safety. 

Elizabeth Warren is one of the two females involved in the latest debates. She is 70-years old and has been a Senator for several years. A former Republican in the year of 1996 to 1997, she is now running in the Democratic race. According to, her race is centered around economic problems, such as global warming, Medicare for all and affordable college educations. She trails behind the two men with a National Polling of 16 percent and contributions of $49.8 million. 

With all three of these Candidates, there are several main similarities pertaining to their selected issues in the United States and around the world. The candidates share similar political views and concepts.

Biden is the most politically experienced, having been a Senator from 1973 to 2009, when he took office as the Vice President until 2017. He understands what it will take better than the other candidates and his official plans have clear ways to accomplish his goals. 

I believe the current president stands for everything America is not. He makes racist comments and turns his nose at helping the helpless. We are a nation of immigrants. We are known as the land where freedom can be found. Our president ruins that reputation, not to mention the way he has affected our standing with other nations in the world. We are now seen as a divided country.

I implore my generation to become more politically aware. Its is our futures that they debate upon that stage. It is our lives that we are entrusting to these leaders. Young people today need to know the facts and form their own opinions in order to properly participate in our societies government to accurately choose the next leader for America.