New tile installed in PAC hallway
New Look. Walking the halls, students travel to their next class down the PAC Hallway. The hallway originally had carpet but was replaced with tile over the summer of 2020.
October 19, 2020
Ms. Fulton sees students walk by during passing time outside her room in the Performing Arts Center hallway. She can also hear them due to the brand new tile in the PAC hallway. The workers began removing the carpet in the PAC hallway, to replace the entire hallway with new white tile floors. According to the head custodian Shannon Callahan, the tile that was ordered did not come in, which extended the actual time it took to finish the hallway three weeks. But they still finished right before school started.
“We started the second week of July,” Callahan said in an email interview. “It took over 3 weeks but the actual amount of time was four days. They removed the carpet one day, cleaned the adhesive and prepped one day, We completed those rooms and hallways just before school started.”
Ms. Fulton has been teaching in room PA6 in the PAC hallway for nine years and loves her room there. She agrees the hallway is easier to keep clean and brightens the hallway.
“I don’t notice an effect on teaching, but I do notice if I have shoes that squeak,” Ms. Fulton said in an email interview. “I like the tile. It’s easier to clean, it makes the room and hall look bigger. It brightens the area. Before it was dark in those areas.”
The tile in the North hallway was also replaced after it was waxed and put back. Senior Blake Conrad doesn’t like the new tile. He finds it is too bright and less attractive than the carpet.
“I personally don’t like the tile because as a student here I liked the carpet because it kept the hallway dark and it looked nice,” Conrad said over Snapchat.
According to head maintenance Branden Tucker the overall cost of the flooring between the PAC, teachers lounge, counselors office, hallways and about six classrooms all came to just under $20,000.00.