Change in Advisory needed
December 9, 2022
A debate has been brewing within Fort Osage High School over the justification for the Advisory period. Students have multiple reasons why the necessity of Advisory has caused an uproar.
Some common problems that keep rising to the surface among student conversations are the limitation of travel, not enough time to complete assignments, and too many surveys.
On the bright side, feedback has shown that students have been receptive to grade checks, enjoy the team building activities, and there’s a set time to organize your work for the week. It has also been helpful receiving support and feedback from teachers regarding grades.
From my experience, it has been nice to discuss with my teacher about different strategies I can use to keep my grades up and continue to succeed. Another advantage would be the planning and assessing of important events such as the College and Career Fair and scheduling.
Assistant Principal Zach Dudley emphasizes that the goal behind the changes of Advisory are to improve the grades of students.
“Some of the things that we did were putting in organizational stuff, some grade monitoring stuff, and some community building stuff,” Mr. Dudley said.
On the contrary, the limitation on travel has not made it easy on student athletes or students involved in other clubs who have had to miss school due to their activities or illness. Instead of utilizing Advisory time, they have to work around strenuous schedules to make up their tests and other assignments.
Junior Riley Filmore feels that Advisory has the right intentions, but travel limitations are not ideal.
“Traveling during Advisory allows for people that need to take tests to do so. I just wish that students were allowed to do so,” Filmore said.
It would be much easier on the athletes, coaches, and teachers for the missing assignments to be made up during Advisory.
On the other hand, trying to make sure kids stay out of trouble and in class is a constant challenge. I believe having Advisory four out of five days is unnecessary, especially when class only lasts for 20 minutes. There simply is not enough time to truly accomplish the tasks. Countless grade checks are assigned, but there is not enough time for students to get the help that they need on those certain assignments during the school day. Last year, students were able to receive individual help from teachers during advisory. This year students are unable to and that has been a setback.
Yearbook pictures have also been reduced because there is not a long enough time for the pictures to be taken. The result of this has caused a challenge when clubs have been trying to get a set date for pictures to be taken. All clubs have had to figure out individual dates, and tough pressure is put on the yearbook staff when trying to make sure every club is pictured in the yearbook.
Additionally, there have been three surveys issued to students and it has seemed excessive. For changes to be made to Advisory, the student body needs to leave suggestions in the additional comments section. For improvements to be made students need to document it themselves when given opportunities.
In order for us as a Fort family to step forward, these concerns need to be addressed. I believe instead of having 20 minute Advisory periods for four days, it should go back to the way it was last school year, which was two 40 minute periods of Advisory a week. While the idea of Advisory is on the right track, changes need to be made.