New numbers assigned to rooms
UPDATE. Junior Toria ‘Tai’ Jones enters Ms.Lauren Crowder’s room, room 510 which used to be room 20 before the new numbering system. The administration installed the room numbers at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year. “The new room numbers where hard to remember at first,” Ms. Crowder said. “But at the end of the day it helped organize hallways and classrooms better, so I think it was a good change.”
November 18, 2022
A new room numbering system went into place at the beginning of the year to help students navigate the school better. Assistant Principal Zach Dudley believes the previous numbering system created confusion.
“Our numbering system, from the beginning of time, the numbers started at one and went higher to about 30,” Assistant Principal Zach Dudley said, “Then they added the south building and so we added higher numbers, then the freshman building came and we added some one hundred numbers and so on.”
As the school added more buildings and spaces to the original building, the numbering system made less and less sense according to Mr. Dudley and made it harder to navigate unless a person knew the building.
According to Mr. Dudley when visitors would come to the school and found it a bit difficult to find their way around by the room numbers because of how they were set up. Freshmen have found navigating the school easier with the new numbering system, and have had better luck at finding classrooms.
“I feel like the new numbering system is harder for the upperclassmen to understand but easier for the freshman,” Freshman Cynthia-Jess Saunders said.
The Central Office put together a committee for them to talk about the room numbering and what would be the best way to change it. Head Principal Mr. Scott Moore and Freshman Principal Mr. Joe Bedard were part of the committee that ultimately made the decisions.
This committee decided the freshman building would be single numbers, and then the south building downstairs would be the 100 numbers, and the upstairs would be the 200’s and so on. Upperclassmen believe the new numbering system is more helpful than the old one.
“I think the numbering system is more efficient than what it used to be and you can find classrooms easier,” Junior Mila Patton said.
Finding classrooms has made more sense since the new numbering system. Students mainly remember classes by teachers but the new numbering system has made it easier for freshmen and visitors to navigate according to them and to Mr.Dudley.