New signage welcomes students, staff back to school
The district replaced the sign and logo on the high school. This project was apart of the renovations made over the summer to improve the look of the school.
August 14, 2019
Over the summer the high school got a little bit of a face lift. The lettering and logo on the side of the building was replaced on July 24 and 25. Fort Osage School District Superintendent Dr. Jason Snodgrass believes that the new look of the school will help student morale.
“I think anytime you can improve something, the appearance of something, I think it does help with morale,” Dr. Snodgrass said.
The old lettering and logo was sun faded and worn out from years of weather exposure. The cost of replacing the lettering and logo was about $6,000 according to Dr. Snodgrass. Junior Kaden Hoppins thinks the new logo is cool.
“It looks cool,” Hoppins said. “The detail on the Indian is very nice.”
The need to be replaced had become noticeable to anyone who passed by. Junior Gavin Harris likes the new lettering.
“It looks not as run down,” Harris said. “It looks cleaner than the old logo.”
The lettering and logo above the Freshman Center doors were also replaced. The whole project was about $12,000 according to Dr. Snodgrass.