“Priscilla” is a Rated R Romance/drama released October 27, 2023, made by Sofia Coppola. Priscilla is based on how Priscilla Presley felt in her relationship with Elvis Presley. This movie had very high expectations from others, some were disappointed. But I believe this movie reached my expectations.
Priscilla is a 14 year old teenager. She meets 24 year old famous singer Elvis Presley at a base party. Elvis immediately takes interest in Priscilla, the two start casually dating even though Priscilla’s parents were not too fond of it knowing their age difference. At first Priscilla Thinks the relationship is perfect but after a lot of bad treatment and delusion she begins to realize that its far from perfect and the perfect life she thought she was gonna have with Elvis.
I feel like this movie is sad, and very eye opening. Priscilla is very detached from Elvis, and you can definitely tell that Priscilla’s emotions depend on how Elvis treated her, also on how much attention he gave her. she isn’t herself when she was with Elvis, he would tell her what to wear, how to act, basically anything about her appearance that she needed to change. Priscilla was very lonely the whole movie she didn’t do anything if it wasn’t with Elvis, she would stay in her house and do nothing all day waiting for her to come home. Soon Priscilla comes to the realization that she does not want to be treated like shes nothing anymore.
Priscilla is a very down to earth movie it showed real emotion, it really showed her personal point of view. Overall I think Priscilla was a good movie definitely worth the watch.