Sederwall commits to success
Senior Cross Country Runner Brooklyne Sederwall crosses the finish line at the Grain Valley Invite. Sederwall qualified for the Class 4 State Cross Country Meet and finished 75th.
December 10, 2018
Senior Brooklyne Sederwall sits in the CTC office chair wearing her black and white Chefs uniform complete with her white hat waiting for Culinary Arts class to start. In contrast one might find her working out or warming up in her running apparel in the high schools PAC lobby. Either or, one is looking at a driven student.
Her biggest athletic accomplishment is finishing 75th out of 169 runners at the MSHSAA Class 4 Cross Country State Tournament in Jefferson City’s Oak Hills golf Center with a time of 20:51.3, Nov. 3 2018.
Sederwall is a very involved and well rounded student. She is also heavily active in student council. Sedarwall has been running Cross Country all four years of high school.
“It’s good self discipline,” Sederwall said. “It’s all up to you to push past mental and physical boundaries.”
Sederwall finished 17th at sectionals to qualify for State. She believes this philosophy is what propelled her to Jeff City.
“It’s been a long time coming,” Sederwall said. “A lot of injuries, but it was a confidence booster.”
As part of student council she helped host The Missouri Association Student Councils Trails West Conference at the school in October. Head Cross Country Coach Chris Early feels very confident in her.
“She did great and I wasn’t surprised because of how she did in sectionals and she is a very determined person,” Coach Early said.
Sederwall won the Grandview Invite and Greater Kansas City Suburban Conference White Division Meet and helped her team win the Independence City Championship and the GKCSC White Division Conference Title. Senior Amanda Daniels feels honored to have had her as a teammate.
“I was very proud of her, very surprised and happy for her,” Daniels said.
Whether its doing high knees or leaps in preparation for a cross country meet or grabbing some poster paper and paint to make a sign for student council, Brooklyne Sederwall will give it her all.