Staff, students follow lifted mask mandate
ON OR OFF. Students in Ms. Sharon Wood’s Government class opt not to wear masks after the mandate was lifted. The Jackson County Health Department rescinded the mask mandate on Nov. 12.
December 1, 2021
The Jackson County Legislature voted to lift the COVID-19 mask mandate on Nov.12. The legislative vote was 5-4. Among other school districts like the Blue Springs and Independence school districts, Fort Osage decided to allow students and faculty the option to attend school mask free in accordance with the lifted mask mandate. Principal Scott Moore hopes that the mask optional choice will help bring out the best in students.
“It is no secret that there are people that do not agree with the mask mandate and I hope the option of choice will allow students to make the best decision for them,” Mr. Moore said.
In April, 2021 the Jackson County mask mandate was altered, allowing people to go mask free in outdoor settings. On Aug. 9, 2021 Jackson County decided to put the mask mandate back in full effect. Fort Osage students and staff took advantage of the mask optional choice on Monday, Nov.15. Sophomore Hayden Leeds enjoys getting to see his friend’s faces and thinks that communication is easier without the masks.
“I like how I get to see my friend’s faces again,” Leeds said. “I feel like I can understand people more. It was a little hard to communicate with the masks.”
Individuals are able to go mask free with or without a vaccination card. With social distancing also being removed, students and faculty are able to readjust to what was normal before the coronavirus pandemic. Ms. Lindsey Markworth believes that masks once caused behavioral issues in students, but now those issues have been resolved.
“I think there will be less behavioral issues due to students not wearing their masks properly,” Markworth said. “This will be a discipline issue that will no longer occur.”
The district will continue to monitor the COVID-19 health guidelines in accordance with the Jackson County Health Department. Patrons can view the guidelines on the district website.