What happened to cursive writing?
Documents such as checks, a driver’s license and a permit license require a signature.
December 3, 2019
Have you ever looked at your doctor’s note and at their signature, and thought, “Did I just spot the Loch Ness Monster on a piece of paper?” There are more waves in the signature than in the letters. I have and that’s why I wish I knew how to read and write in cursive because it looks smooth and professional. I love the largely looped letters and the single line every letter shares.
Reading my grandparents letters to each other in cursive when they first met and started to fall in love is a Hallmark movie waiting to be made. I want to be able to feel the worry by grandmother had for my grandfather when he was shipped off to the war. Wouldn’t you want to be able to read the Constitution in its original form that our founding fathers poured their heart and soul into? What if I want to imagine myself traveling across the world with Nicholas Cage and successfully stealing the Constitution like in the movie “National Treasure.” I won’t be able to read the think I stole. Now that’s ironic.
Documents such as checks, a driver’s license, and a permit license require a signature. So when people of the younger generation cannot sign those documents properly, they often just print their names. Most schools and teachers have stopped teaching the form of writing because most schools and teachers use technology. Technology is used almost everywhere in the world and used for almost everything. That includes note taking, writing essays, completing homework, taking tests and, of course, electronic signatures.
When it comes to school, I think an elective class should be dedicated to learning cursive and its origins. That way students who would like to learn can learn. It wouldn’t have to be a requirement. I believe cursive is a dying form of penmanship. Signatures are often written in cursive, and although a symbol can also represent a signature, it just isn’t as traditional.
Plain and simple, cursive would allow me to read the constitution once I stole it from the National Archives. Or, more realistically, to read my grandparents love letters.