Wilson stays the course during senior season
GUARDING THE MIDDLE. Surveying the field, Senior Midfielder Isbel Wilson sets up to intercept the ball in a match against Grain Valley. Wilson scored two goals this season for the Indians.
May 27, 2021
Senior Ishbel Wilson battles with her opponent for the ball, Sophomore Macie smith comes over to assist, turf goes flying as each team tries to gain possession of the ball. Both girls battling it out over whose team will be victorious. Wilson helps gain possession of the ball as the game shifts to the other side of the field.
Wilson has been playing soccer for 12 years and has been playing on the varsity team for four. Wilson feels like soccer has always been a big part of her life.
“All three of my older brothers played so it was just kind of a family thing where we always played,” Wilson said.
She plans on furthering her academic and athletic career at Graceland University in Lamoni Iowa where she will be playing in the concert band and double majoring in communication and sustainability. Freshman Kaia Duncan feels that Wilson is a positive player.
“She is realy hard working and she is always going and encouraging others and she’s just non-stop supportive and hardworking”
Wilson serves as one of the team’s midfielders, she has two goals and four assists on the season. Junior Morgan Watkins believes that Wilson is a great role model on the field.
“She encourages not only me but the whole team to stay positive and keep our heads up,” Watkins said. “She works very hard and we all look up to her and she motivates us everyday to become a better player.”
Playing Soccer has always been something important to Wilson and her family, she wears the number four because all of her brothers did during their high school years. She feels that working hard is the most important part of becoming successful in your sport.
“Always try your best because if you do that you will succeed and no one can be mad at you for trying your best,” Wilson said.
The team continues working as the ball is passed back and forth between teammates. Both teams continue to battle over the ball, girls on each side guarding each other to ensure that their team remains in possession of the ball. The other team gains control as Wilson resets and refocuses and she runs down the field to battle and guard some more.