Writers Club added to activities for students

WRITE. Dr. Anne Farmer writes in her journal after a long day of teaching. Dr. Farmer created the Writers Club for students in the high school to be able to join whenever they want without sign-ups. “Can you write your name?” Dr. Farmer said, “Can you write the date? Then you’re already a Writer!”
January 17, 2023
Dr. Anne Farmer created the Writers Club for students of the high school this school year. The Writers Club meets on the first and last Tuesday of the month from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in room 104. The meetings are a place where students can come and introduce their stories to other writers in school. Dr. Anne Farmer wants writers to be able to befriend other writers.
“I noticed that there are a lot of kids who like to write,” Dr.Farmer said. “I felt like there was a need for kids to have a place where they can write and make connections.”
Dr. Farmer developed a spring semester schedule of writers to guest speak about their journey in novel writing.Scheduled authors include Ra Del Hinkley on Feb.7, Mendi Spencer on March 2, and Dorothy Shahan on April 4th. Junior Madalyn Wilson enjoys a quiet atmosphere while she writes.
“I wanted a place where I could write anything I want in peace and quiet,” Wilson said.
Students have the ability to enter their stories into contests and win cash prizes. Some contests have entry fees that will need to be paid for by the students or their parents or guardians.
Senior Lara Eichler uses the Writers Club to put her thoughts on paper.
“I hope this club will help me learn more about myself,” Eichler said. “I’ll use it to write my thoughts down to let go of the negative.”
The Writers Club has a Google Classroom that holds information about contests that are available to join and also writing tips and tricks. The classroom code is lnbrr23.